
Sebastian Spreen contacted us some time ago and offered to help out with a nicer presentation page of Serendipity templates, including some more convenient community features like voting and user-uploads.

His new website Serendipity-Templates.org is a nice addition to spartacus.s9y.org, where only a selection of templates is kept for automatted downloads and generic overviews.

So check out his page and tell him how you like it! The Serendipity team always appreciates the creation of sites dedicated to Serendipity, many thanks to Sebastian!


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Sebastian am um :

Thanks for posting it! ;-) I hope you guys like the features and give me feedback!

rom am um :

template overview looks strange in firefox and IE8 (w/o compatibility view)


Gerald am um :

Looks strange to mee too...

Also a filter for templates with 2 or 3 columns would be fine.

Currently i'm looking for a dark template to run my photoblog. Nice idea but more comfort would be fine ;)

Gerald am um :

Oh and another idea. Maybe it is possible to post which is the last version that the templates runs with. There are some templates around, that will not work 100% with 1.4.1 or higher.

Sebastian am um :

I just fixed the probleme with the overview page. Should be fine now!

Also I coded the tag pages. So you can filter by tags for 2 or 3 columns...

A compatibility button is planned for the future.

Hope you like it ...

Gerald am um :

Very good :) Looks fine now and some interesting themes inside!

Neut am um :

Great initiative. You may want to check the rating and commenting, because it results in a blank page (IE8).

YellowLed am um :

While you're at it, you might also want to rethink the whole javascript used for the tabs. It does not degrade gracefully, which is an epic fail these days.

matsch am um :

imho, the overview/list page should show thumbnails of the templates directly rather just on mouse over. I want to have an overview of the actual templates, not their names...

Safari am um :

Great idea, although I think you should show thumbnails of the templates. Also, when I mouseover, the thumbnails appear under the stars.

Sebastian am um :

Hey guys,

thanks for your feedback. I just changed a few things and implemented some of your whishes.

have a nice weekend ...

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