Spartacus Plugin Overview Page

I had a couple of hours spare time today - recovering from the german karneval - , so I spent it hopefully usefully on this Page:

(will be available as shortly)

The design is temporary, it's the content that matters. It's an auto-generated snapshot and download page of the Serendipity Plugin and Template repository. Something like, but a bit more light-weight.

It should serve well for people that cannot run Spartacus or who want to look at our repository.

Please consider that page as experimental. The core texts are not translated, only the plugin descriptions are.

Any feedback is appreciated. If you face bugs, please let me know.

The page will be refreshed about ever 24 hours, but expect a delay of max. 48 hours in terms of anonymous CVS lagging.


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Ansicht der Kommentare: (Linear | Verschachtelt)

Greg Beaver am um :

are plans to use a PEAR channel stalled or stopped?

Garvin am um :

I don't know; Toby said he wanted to look into it.

I'm myself absoultely unfamiliar with the PEAR framework and I'm sorry to have no time to dig into it any time soon. Which is why I hacked the page above into existence, which was far easier.

However I still would love to have PEAR channel support. I just don't know how. :-D

Best regards, Garvin

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