Rasmus Lerdorf loves Serendipity

Does the headline sound catchy enough? Gooood. :-)

Now that I have your attention: Check out the recent FLOSS podcast #12. It's a 1-hour podcast with Rasmus Lerdorf, which is both entertaining and informative.

And he mentions he's using Serendipity - in the last quarter of the podcast. He doesn't actually mention much about our software, but of course highlighting all our strengths would've taken up another hour of the podcast.... ;-)

Anyways - we feel quite humbled to be mentioned by the 'Creator of PHP'. Keep on blogging and have fun!


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Ansicht der Kommentare: (Linear | Verschachtelt)

herbert am um :

its really great to read such good news. i love s9y and hope the development will go on and on for a endless time period ;)

good job

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