OpenID - Testing help needed

rrichards from the forums published his first public OpenID-Plugin results. Check out this thread on the forums. If you're interested in testing the plugin or are interested in OpenID, please give it a look and report about it.

Many thanks to rrichards and all volunteers!


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Ansicht der Kommentare: (Linear | Verschachtelt)

hgoor am um :

Uh, maybe a little explanation about what OpenID is/does is in order?

I went over to the forum and have no clue waht it is/does...

Tony am um :

Oh, thank you for this article

Zamba am um :

Here in Germany there are so many regulations regarding personal information. OpenID will never become an issue here...

Boris Erdmann am um :


I think we are already there. I'm driving a fully professional OP here in Germany.

In full compliance with TMG and (B)DschG. In fact, this was one main reasons to do it.

You'll find press coverage by the Focus and Frankfurter Rundschau (even printed).

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