Serendipity 1.2 release date

If no further bugs or issues are reported, Serendipity 1.2 will be out on Sunday, August 26. So if you've got anymore things to report, now is the time to head over to the forums and tell us. :-)


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Ansicht der Kommentare: (Linear | Verschachtelt)

shaun am um :

well... today is the 26. :) Im waiting ^^

Neut am um :

Easy Shaun, give the guy a break. It's more than 6 hrs before the 26th has past.

raimondo am um :

Downloaded, then I'll install very, very soon :)

Sandra am um :

Where can I find a good "switching guide from wordpress to serendipity"?

Garvin am um :

Sandra: You better ask questions like these on the serendipity forum. This blog entry here is only about the release announcement, so people most likely will not reply to an unrelated question.

Have a look at - if you have more questions, please join the forums! :-)

Best regards, Garvin

Peter am um :

Great, I also downloaded it. But now I go on vacation for a week. Guess I will install it later then.

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