For 1.4 beta-testers

A bug was reported on the forums that affects current 1.4-beta2 users. When you store custom entry properties for an entry (using the entryproperties plugin) those will not get remembered properly, when you re-edit the entry. We consider this to be a serious bug in the problem, so all 1.4-betatesters using this plugin should fetch an updated 1.4 snapshot.

Since the final 1.4 version will be out in a few days, we do not think this warrants an extra 1.4-beta2 release, as the current Snapshots contain the same files.

Other things that have been added to the current 1.4 release tree include an SMF importer, a fix for remembering cookies longer, a new %parentname% permalink shortcut for category permalinks, adding an autocomplete=off attribute for the password-fields so that Firefox does not store the user password into unrelated password fields, more documentation and ChangeLog links to plugins and yet another fix for properly counting trackback/comment counts.


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Ansicht der Kommentare: (Linear | Verschachtelt)

Mik am um :

How many days are "a few days"?

Garvin am um :

Sadly, "as long as it takes". We're working on getting out a good and solid 1.4 releaser. There are a few minor issues that we want to get solved, as we have no time pressure that really requires us to get out 1.4 - the snapshots are currently well usable, and we want our releases not to require any last-minute patches. :-)

ReinhardL am um :

It´s better to release it slower than to release quick and dirty. I use it now for some years and I think it´s the best choice. It was a good year for the s9y-users, so thanks a lot to the hole developers team for all the new versions and "The Book" ...

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