Coppermine Plugins

Thanks to Matthew Maude we now have a bundle of two new plugins to integrate with the Coppermine-Gallery:

  • serendipity_plugin_coppermine takes care of embedding Gallery images into your sidebar
  • serendipity_event_cpgselector allows you to insert images from the Gallery into your entries (kind of replaces the internal Serendipity media gallery)

I myself do not use the Coppermine Gallery, but Matthew's plugins look very promising. Feel free to look into the plugins if you're using Coppermine and report your experiences! :-)

Plugins should be available via Spartacus or CVS: plugin_coppermine and event_cpgselector.


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Martin am um :


A few days ago i installed a coppermine gallery and was very happy as i discovered the coppermine plugins via spartacus.

To now i use only the serendipityeventcpgselector plugin, but i think i will also use the sidebar plugin shortly.

By using the event plugin and the WYSIWYG mode i encoutered an error: I can only insert an image from coppermine gallery, if i first insert an image via the normal image selector. Otherwise no image will be inserted from the plugin - maybe a javascript error?

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