A Serendipitous Birthday Present

On March 29th in 2003, Jannis Hermanns officially renamed his jBlog to Serendipity. Now, 13 years later, we are still actively working on improving what was meant to be a simple and expansive blogging infrastructure.

In April, we will have our second user/developer meetup in Germany (Essen) and hopefully decide on a couple of remaining issues for releasing version 2.1 of Serendipity and launching the currently "work in progress" version of docs.s9y.org. This new page will better present Serendipity and offer new and more streamlined documentation.

A few years ago, a Serendipity Book was published in german language by Garvin Hicking, which was later open-sourced and put into our documentation repository. Out of this, our fellow core developer Ian (Timbalu) has put an awesome amount of time and effort into updating this german documentation for recent Serendipity versions.

You can find this on docs.s9y.org/Book/ and you will see that it is still marked as "Draft" - which means, we would appreciate your feedback and input. We do hope to get this book translated to english at some point, any help on this is appreciated.

On behalf of the team, many thanks to Ian (Timbalu) and we're excited to keep making Serendipity be a great blogging tool for your needs.


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Ansicht der Kommentare: (Linear | Verschachtelt)

Fabien Chabreuil am um :

Happy birthday to s9y.

Thanks, thanks… and thanks to the communauty. You are awesome.

Cherrs, Fabien

Svenaldo am um :

Happy Birthday and thank you guys for all your work and support over the last years.

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