Survey Results of "Wie ich blogge?"

We received this mail from the makers of a survey called "Wie ich blogge" (german), which I'd like to post here:

In late 2005 a friend of mine did a survey on how people in the German speaking area are using Blogs. Over 5000 people participated in this survey. Some questions were also on the used blogging software. There are some facts that are interesting for the serendipity team. Concerning Stand-alone software serendipity is the second most used software and gets the best results in user satisfaction. I think those are quite motivating results for everyone spending his time on serendipity.

Unluckily the research paper is only available in German, but I encourage all German-speakers to have a closer look at it. The results about blogging software are on pages 18ff of the paper.

You might also want to have a look on Dr. Jan Schmidts Blog and the related article on the research paper.

So, how does "best results in user satisfaction" sound to you? Spread the word! :-)


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