New theme: Adaptation

Alp Uckan has released his theme Adaptation (german page, layout can be seen on his site). It's a "content-first" based theme with advanced Serendipity 1.1 design options such as choosing color- and fontsets. It evolves around full CSS and XHTML compatibility and thus providing accessibility options being set by the user in his browser (fontsize, colors etc. are based on browser setup).

Have a look at this clean template, it's now also being added to Spartacus! Thanks a lot to Alp for providing his theme to the public.


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chris am um :

looks interesting, going to have to take a look at it especially since it is CSS and XHTML complient.

hgoor am um :

Wish I could use it but I get the following error:

Trying to open URL infobarbackground.png?rev=1.9999... The URL could not be opened. Maybe the Serendipity or Server is down - we are sorry, you need to try again later.

Ps: I am the only one that never has been able to download:

Author: Abdussamad Abdurrazzaq Last Updated: August 13, 2006 Custom admin interface available:

Does it even exist? Maybe it's time to weed it out of Spartacus?

Luto am um :

Same error here (wtih RoundedCorner, too). Seems to be a server problem!?

hgoor am um :

Uhm, guys, is ANYONE actually paying attention here? I STILL can't download this theme (or Rounded corner for that matter) using Spartacus.

In fact I haven't been able to download the latter in MONTHS.

Can someone weed out Spartacus?

Garvin am um :

If possible, please go to the forums or the theme author's page for technical problems with themes - this blog is mostly about information and content, not technical support.

Have you tried downloading the ZIP from directly? Or tried to change the mirror from to It seems as if file permissions on don't allow the download of some files. I've made some adjustments and in the next update this night, they should hopefully be fixed. Same with RoundedCorners.

wcw am um :

This seems like a nice one.

The author is already up to 0.6, but Spartacus still has the 0.4. A lazy man, I'd like to see the newer one without downloading it by hand.

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