Extended Properties for Entries: Custom Fields
As a response to a Feature Request from Karotte, I have just committed an enhancement to the entryproperties plugin to 0.9-beta3 of our SVN (which will hopefully be turned into a 0.9 final at the end of this month).
The plugin configuration has now been altered so that you can add a comma-separated list of custom fieldnames, which you can then fill in when creating an entry.
That means, you can create two custom fields called Listening and Playing (don't use whitespace or special characters for fieldnames). Create an entry, and fill in values for those two fields. Now edit your entries.tpl template and place the Smarty Codes
Now listening to: {$entry.properties.ep_Listening}
Now playing: {$entry.properties.ep_Playing}
anywhere you like inside the entry loop. Remember to prefix your property keyname with ep_. Then you'll see those fields at the place you configured. You can also add the usual Smarty markup to check if a variable is empty, and add some DIV or other tags to surround your output.
This brings Serendipity a bit closer to CMS-features, once again. :-)
(The SVN nightlies will be built tomorrow, containing the new patch. SVN checkouts contain the change already at this time - users familiar with SVN only need to fetch the plugins/ serendipity_event_entryproperties/ serendipity_event_entryproperties.php file)