More Power to Smarty

I was pretty annoyed to see, that even though Serendipity is meant to be a blogging framework, there was no functionality to call a "print and fetch entry" function available within Serendipity.

Obviously, everyone was able to print his entries in a "blog-mannor" up today, with the default options to fetch and display entries. You had a lot flexibility by tweaking the entries.tpl template or by using Plugins. But now, we've taken it a bit further:

"More Power to Smarty" vollständig lesen

phpDoc: Serendipity Code-Documentation

Since someone constantly nagged me about documentation, I took the time the last few days to include a basic phpDoc style comment syntax into ALL of our Serendipity function declarations. Thanks for pushing me to that. It's a thing I never want to do again. ;-)

I have committed those files to the 1.0-alpha trunk, thus they are contained in tomorrows Snapshots. Everyone who thinks about contributing to Serendipity might like this, in addition to the documentation we have on

Have fun and a nice weekend, Garvin

Serendipity 0.9.1 maintenance release

The Serendipity Team is proud to announce the first maintenance release for Serendipity, version 0.9.1.

This release mainly addresses a few minor bugs of the 0.9 version.

The most important fix is found in the Spartacus Plugin, which didn't allow updating Plugins correctly over the web. Also an important fix is making the media upload form work in MacOS Safari again. As a feature cereal, we can now gladly offer half-automatted import!

Other fixes/features include:

  • New Feature: Added importer by Jawish Hameed
  • Fix configuration for non-admins to not properly store values like blog Title (important for hosted multi-user setups)
  • Fix RSS import's timezone detection for ISO-8601 dates
  • Fix htmlarea when using UTF-8 charset on a ISO-8859-1 language
  • Fix spartacus plugin to not properly indicate updatable versions of plugins
  • Fix multi-media upload in Safari browser
  • Fix mod_rewrite rules to not differentiate on case-sensitivity for authors, archives and category URLs
  • Fix a bug in the serendipity_currentURL function when Serendipity is installed in your HTTP root. This bug only effects the plugins karma, entrysplit and multilingual on these installations.
  • Fix showing preview image of hotlinked images.
  • Fix visitor tracking in statistics plugin
  • Fix incorrect entry count in categories sidebar plugin (was also counting drafts)
  • Fix correct reply-to name when sending comment mails
  • Fix renaming authors and categories to also properly update permalinks that have no %id% column

An update is recommended, but only required if you are affected by one of the bugs above.

The Serendipity Team is already working on the 1.0 release version of Serendipity, since the current maturity of the 0.9 version is reported to be quite well. Current nightlies contain a few more fixes for current code, which are non-critical and have to be QA-tested before releasing them. A major new feature of the upcoming 1.0 version are customizable RSS/ATOM/Whatever-Feeds through the Smarty Templating facility.

Download the release here, and upgrade as mentioned in our FAQ!

Get involved!

From time to time, pleople offer their help for working on Serendipity, but seldom we can tell specific things to improve.

Now, we have had several requests to improve ordering categories, to which I personally have no time to investigate. I'm a dumbo in regard to Nested Tree SQL sets. :-)

So that's why I posted this "Help!"-Request on the forums. Please have a look at it, if you want to help improving Serendipity. Credit is given, where credit is due, of course! :-)