New Serendipity homepage online
In the past few months we have also worked a lot on rebuilding the presentation page of We have moved our infrastructure for this over to Github Pages in the repository, and reworked a lot of our documentation to streamline and better structurize.
Additionally, this documentation repository is now open for any kind of pull requests and contributions, and will be easier to maintain. Our devs onli and yellowled worked hard on bringing the visual side of things up to par, as well as MarioH for moving a lot of text files, and we hope you like our efforts!
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-thh am um :
Very niche! - I like the new design (and content) very much.
Hans Gerhard Höller am um :
Hallo Garvin!
Ich benutze S9Y nun schon seit August 2006 und war immer sehr zufrieden damit. Auch die Umstellung auf die Version 2 hat ohne größere Probleme funktioniert. S9Y ist einfach zu handhaben, in wenigen Minuten installiert und sehr einfach zu bedienen. Danke für diese tolle Software!
Dein Hadley B. Jones
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