Greetings from Serendipity #s9ycamp
Our group of developers says "Hi!" from the Linux-Hotel in Essen. We met up for the third time (thanks for hosting us!), and it was entertaining and productive as ever - great to have such a nice community and same-spirited people.
We mainly worked on releasing Serendipity 2.1, addressing some last-minute PHP7 things and went through our open issues.
We also talked a lot about coming features for the next Serendipity version, how we want to implement responsive images, improve on our login/hashing framework and went through all of our plugins to see how we can consolidate some of them and remove deprecated ones.
Trackback-URL für diesen Eintrag
- Nur ein Blog am : Update auf Serendipity 2.1.1 und PHP 7
- Hommel-Net Weblog am : S9YCamp 2017
- YellowLeds Weblog v2 am : #easyfix
- Netz - Rettung - Recht am : #s9ycamp2017
- Qbi's Weblog am : Neues Theme und aktuelle Software
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