New Plugin Google Sitemap

A user-contribution by Boris, Plugin Google Sitemap, allows to create the new Googlebot-compatible sitemap layout for most of all Serendipity links.

I think it may not run smoothly with Serendipity 0.9 and a customized permalink structure, but it should not be too hard to adapt the plugin there. Apart from that I think it's a really nice plugin, thanks to Boris!


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  • Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea am : Google Sitemap


Ansicht der Kommentare: (Linear | Verschachtelt)

Volker am um :

quote: I think it may not run smoothly with Serendipity 0.9

0.9??? i've got 0.81! where i can get the 0.9 release?


Garvin am um :

0.9 is the upcoming release and still in alpha state. It'll be at least 1-2 more months before a release candidate will be made.

The 0.9 nightlies can be fetched on, see the "snapshot" section. The ChangeLog can be found here:

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