New Plugins: Audioscrobbler, Currently..., Page Nugget, Language Nugget
A new plugin contribution by Flo Solcher has been added to our Repository, which adds a Audioscrobbler XML interface to the sidebar plugins. Thanks a lot!
There are also some more plugins that got committed the last days and have not yet been mentioned here.
One is the "Currently ..." plugin by Dustin Hawkins. It fetches Amazon hits for your entered games/movies/books you are currently enjoying and shows them in a sidebar.
Another one is "Page Nugget" plugin by Wesley Hwang-Chung, which allows you to place random HTML at several occasions in your template (header/footer) without needing to modify your .tpl template.
The last plugin to be announced is also done by Wesley Hwang-Chung and is called "Language specific HTML nugget". This allows you to show HTML nuggets only for certain interface languages.
Thanks for all your work on improving Serendipity!
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- Alpha's (aka Flo Solcher) Blog am : Audioscrobbler Plugin für s9y
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