Server Maintenance
The server currently is experiencing some issues. Jannis, our master-bithorder is investigating the issue and we hope it will be resolved shortly. The server powers the main wiki as well as the forums; this blog here is hosted on a different machine.
Meanwhile: Summer.
Update 2010-07-05: The server was up and running during parts of the weekend, but it seems the situation was not resolved completely. The server is now once again up and running, but the bootup-process seems to be blocking due to some MySQL issue. The hardware does not report any specific failure, so we're a bit clueless as to what is happening, but we currently do not have the time to completely setup a new server. We'll further investigate the issue, and hope that this outage won't repeat itself too soon.
If something fails, the support options on will be there. We'll also try to work out a possibility for a secondary forum installation that people have offered, and see if we can setup a dump of on a static install.
Update 2010-07-06: And the server went down again. We cannot seem to find the reason why it hangs. We might need to completely reinstall the machine. We try to make it happen as soon as possible and post updates here.
Update 2010-07-06, #2: Until being able to reinstall the machine, we try to fix the situation by manually booting the machine's services - currently it seems as if the machine "lives" for about 24-30 hours after each reboot.
Update 2010-07-06, #3: I created a temporary support forum on SourceForge: SourceForge Forum for Serendipity.