May Template Madness

May is shaping up to be a month to be remembered, with four new templates released this month already, two of them coming from fresh new designers to the world of Serendipity. Let's start with our new designers, Bex and Abdussamad. Both of these designers have created templates that I'm sure will really appeal to people because of their graphical component, Bex01 being a two column template with an eyecatching header and sidebar graphics, while Stained Paper is exactly that, a sheet of old parchment forming the background image. If you like either of these designs please comment on the authors sites and give them the encouragement to keep designing. Myself and Dave have also released new templates this month, Dave with his popular Matrimony design, and myself with 1024px, a conversion Andreas Viklund's html template of the same name. Are there any other designs we should know about, we really should keep up the momentum in May, why don't we set a target of ten new templates for this month?


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deminy am um :

Thank you guys! I will try them immediately.

deminy am um :

Hope you can add these templates to Spartacus soon.

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