German translators needed

My blog, especially the articles about Serendipity, are attracting a very large German audience, 36% of traffic this month, and I would love to have these articles translated into German for those readers. I plan to install the multi-language plugin and any German translations would then be directly available from the post. I'm doing this out of respect for my readers. Would any German speaking person be willing to translate any of my Serendipity articles? I could either create a new author account for you, or you could simply send your translations and I could post them. I will happily credit you with the translation and offer a link to your blog. If my request is well received, I would also happily consider translation into other languages. Thank you, Carl


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Ansicht der Kommentare: (Linear | Verschachtelt)

Pooh am um :

Mein Blog, und besonders die Artikel zu Serendipity, ziehen eine große Menge Leser aus Deutschland an, 36% des Datenverkehrs diesen Monat, und ich hätte diese Artikel gerne für diese Leser auf Deutsch übersetzt. Ich plane, das Mehrsprachen-Plugin zu installieren, sodass die deutsche Übersetzung direkt vom Beitrag aus zu erreichen ist. Das mache ich aus der Aufmerksamkeit für meine Leser heraus. Würde irgendeine deutschspracheige Person gewillt sein, meine Serendipity-Artikel zu übersetzen? Ich würde Dir dann ein neuse Autorenkonto einrichten, oder Du schickst mir einfach die Übersetzung und ich veröffentliche sie. Gerne nenne ich Dich als Übersetzer und biete eine Verknüpfung auf Dein Blog an. Wenn meine Nachfrage gut angenommen wird, würde ich auch gerne die Übersetzung in andere Sprachen in Erwägung ziehen. Danke, Carl

Consider this an aplication. ;-)

Carl Galloway am um :

Thanks Pooh, I've emailed you separately. If anyone else wants to help, I still plan to produce the definitive guide to theming, and will need lots of help.

Der Felix am um :

Klar ich helfe dir gerne bei der Übersetzung. Schreib mir einfach eine Mail :-P

Carl Galloway am um :

Danke Felix, ich Willens-email Sie separat (Babelfish)

Michael am um :

Hi Carl,

if you need further help, then drop me a line.

cu, Michael

Zappu am um :

Carl, no clue how much time I will have, but I guess 1 or 2 I can translate per week easily. Drop me a note if you need more help for the translation into German

Markus am um :

Hi Carl, I would like to help you too. Drop me a line, if you need more help for the translations. CU, Markus

Blase16 am um :


if you will ever need a russian translation, of your entries, just mail me. I speak perfektly german and russian.

cu Blase16

WTS am um :

I think that it is a good idea, also though, just because it is a German IP doesn't mean that we are all German. There is a large population of Americans here also :-)

Carl Galloway am um :

WTS, you are correct, but since adding German and Russian translations I've noticed the number of people froem Central and Eastern Europe staying on my blog for longer has increased. I assume this means they are reading (and hopefully enjoying) the posts in the comfort of a language they understand. Serendipity has always been a multinational effort and as the documentation project gathers pace anyone who contributes a translation, comment or recommendation is helping Serendipity.

I am still looking for translators for other languages, anyone?

Fidi am um :

I can do translations into German also. Great idea, there's huge interest in the German-speaking community, Thanks for all your work, Fidi

rudy am um :

Hi Carl, If you find some volunteers to translate your pages send them our way, translating is a profitable business.

          cheers to the volunteers!!


Carl Galloway am um :

Hi everyone,

Translating my serendipity tutorials seems to have slowed down after the initial rush, and I would be very happy to have more volunteers on board. Now that I've finished a couple of other projects I plan to concentrate on some tutorials about using Serendipity (creating entries, installing plugins, moderating comments, configuration etc) , and most of these will be gifted to documentation project. If anyone wants to translate these, we will need translations for every major language supported by Serendipity, so please email me or post a comment here

Oana am um :

hallo Carl,

ich wuerde dir sehr gerne behilflich sein. Schreib mir einfach eine Mail.

Tschuess! :)

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