All good

Chris just called to inform me that the server has been repaired and all services should be back to normal. I am writing this with my cellphone because i'm on the autobahn, driving home to Berlin. So I'll keep this short!


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Ansicht der Kommentare: (Linear | Verschachtelt)

Josh am um :

Very cool, but please drive safely.

YellowLed am um :

I say we get Jannis into a recording studio, let him do a new version of Kraftwerk's song ("Bloggen, bloggen, bloggen auf der Autobaaaahn ..."), and donate the money made with that to a new server ;-)

Jannis am um :

Hehehehe :-D

No need to donate, I already got a few options for a server to choose from. Donate to charity instead!!!

Brautkleider - Tante am um :

Thank you for information ;-)) I hope you arrived well. I wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year in Berlin..

carl am um :

I've never heard the song, anyone want to email it to me?

Vince am um :

I'm thinking more something like:

"We use Serendipity, tune in to the melody, Check out Serendipity, it's in the air for you and me." (Radioactivity, Karftwerk too ;-)

Any way, thanks again to the whole team and Merry Christmas all!


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