Back for good!
The nightly snapshot versions of the serendipity development branch are back (for good)! Sing along!
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The nightly snapshot versions of the serendipity development branch are back (for good)! Sing along!
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Ansicht der Kommentare: (Linear | Verschachtelt)
Dave am um :
so take that!
carl am um :
yeah... er, what do I say now - lol
Marcus Radisch am um :
:) Cool Idea!
sqall am um :
Whatever I said Whatever I did I didn't mean it I just want you back for good!
nice one ;)
Matthias am um :
you can say what you want about take that ... the song's just great :O)
ReinhardL am um :
much better than using SVN
Seyney am um :
Good! 无锡喜尔福货架有限公司
Larry Timm am um :
I teach at a middle school in Midland, Michigan, USA. I teach students with mental disabilities. I would LOVE to know how to put a video in a Blog!!! I use something called Wordpress because it is in the folder with the webhosting company that I use. I have LITTLE computer knowledge (I need icons to click on - NOT code to type). I LOVE the Serendipity blog software but tried to download and it didn't work. Does one need to have a lot of computer knowledge to be able to put a video in a webpage or blog??? (WithOUT having to code...I use Frontpage 2000). Any ideas or help would be GREATLY appreciated! thank you, Larry Timm
Jannis am um :
try the "User Forums" link on the very top of this page. That's the right place for this type of discussion and there's lots of nice folks :-)
Jannis am um :
try the "User Forums" link on the very top of this page. That's the right place for this type of discussion and there's lots of nice folks :-)
Jannis am um :
try the "User Forums" link on the very top of this page. That's the right place for this type of discussion and there's lots of nice folks :-)
Jannis am um :
try the "User Forums" link on the very top of this page. That's the right place for this type of discussion and there's lots of nice folks :-)
Jannis am um :
try the "User Forums" link on the very top of this page. That's the right place for this type of discussion and there's lots of nice folks :-)
Chad am um :
My girlfriend is 7 years older than me so she always tries to tell me stuff that happened before my time so she feels smart. She just told me as I was playing that song that I didn't ever hear that song before now. I laughed in her face. WHO hasn't heard that song before? That band was BIG TIME!!!