
Screenshot of a page from the June 05 edition of the dutch Chip magazine
Somebody who calls himself NN sent this in - I don't understand each word and unfortunately babelfish can't do OCR on images, but I still think the overall message is clear (at least after you clicked on the screenshot).

This goes out to the devs: Thanks, guys! :-)

New version of google_sitemap and freetag plugins

I have received new upstream releases for the Tagging-Plugin by Jonathan Arkell and a 0.9 compatible version of the googlesitemap plugin by Sebastian Wiesinger. Thank you very much, guys!

The revamped version of the Tagging plugin by Jonathan now supports easier maintaining of the tags, as well as refactored code and better styling/RSS+Technorati integration. Weightings and Intersections of Tags has also been improved, but there is still some pending work needed to get it to work with postgreSQL.

Both have been committed to CVS and should be upgradable in Spartacus the next 24 hours. If you have any issues with the new plugin versions, please report them here.


After the DNS trouble we had last week, it seemed to be time for the hardware to take a break. The original s9y.org and supersized.org server melted last night. It's down: hardware failure.
Luckily, absynth of de-punkt webhosting, our provider, had a spare machine handy. I spent today migrating the nightly backups to this new server and setting it up.
So remember, that we're on a backup machine right now, some minor things might not work as expected. We'll have a brand new server by next week, and hopefully more hardware luck this time ;-)

New Plugin Google Sitemap

A user-contribution by Boris, Plugin Google Sitemap, allows to create the new Googlebot-compatible sitemap layout for most of all Serendipity links.

I think it may not run smoothly with Serendipity 0.9 and a customized permalink structure, but it should not be too hard to adapt the plugin there. Apart from that I think it's a really nice plugin, thanks to Boris!

Permission Groups / ACLs committed

As already foretold in this entry, I have committed a patch to our 0.9 SVN trunk which enables Serendipity to have multiple group permission privileges.

You can read more in my posting on the mailinglist.

The bottom line is: We now need some bug- and QA testers who need this functionality and are willing to testdrive it. Huge problems are not expected, but the more people testing it, the better.

On a related sidenote, I have added a "Current state of SVN" box in our blog on the right hand side. There you can easily spot in the future if the current nightlies are considered stable or unstable. Thanks a lot and have fun!